Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Love Teh Interwebs

Good morning. In times of darkness, when the world seems to be against you, there is a strong need for comfort. Something to soothe and provide momentary respite from daily grind that is slowly etching a deep groove inside your chest.

For the past week-and-change, I find myself waking each day with the singular thought of "where am I gonna find my comfort today?"

Today it's comes in the form of words and images that remind me of my childhood.

Because so much of my daily work involves the written and spoken word, I've developed a cache of inspirational heroes who I turn to when the well runs dry. Usually I turn to Dessa first. She helps me get some groove. Not only is she a hell of an MC, but she's always been kind to me as a person-always greeting with a hug and good word or two. Personally, I think all women should aspire to be just like her. I may be biased, though, since she was kind enough to perform at my wedding.

After that, I turn to something else. No matter what you thought of Reagan's politics, you have to admit that he was one of the best public speakers in American history. The words he spoke, and the way he spoke them, were unlike any president before or after. Just saying.

As for comforting images, I love me some plaid stallions. It brings back strong memories from when I was a child when life was better.

Have an ok day.

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