Thursday, June 19, 2008

26 things...

  1. Some days I hate my job
  2. Other days I hate myself
  3. I believe that jealousy is illogical and a waste of energy
  4. I love vocal trance music
  5. I hate whiny, skinny-tie indie music played by a bunch of privileged white kids
  6. Henry Rollins was kind enough to give me an interview, many years ago
  7. Since then I’ve lost my taste for him and his over-the-top political tirades
  8. I love a good story
  9. I love a good story-teller even more
  10. I have a long lasting love/hate relationship with Wil Wheaton
  11. I sat next to George “The Animal” Steele on a flight from Minneapolis to Boston
  12. He was reading War and Peace
  13. I feel very adrift lately
  14. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up
  15. I believe that no ever does anything that won’t benefit them self somehow
  16. I dare you to prove me wrong
  17. I don’t trust people
  18. My negotiating skills are top notch
  19. I enjoy a good horror story for the building suspense
  20. I have an inexplicable attraction to Twitter
  21. I think it’s because Twitter is like a digital whisper from across a dark room
  22. The above statement and all its parts are held in a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States license
  23. Sometimes I think very highly of the blather that comes out of my head
  24. I believe that everything is negotiable; even love and happiness
  25. I think Battle Pong and RONG are the two best time-wasters on teh intertubes
  26. I have to go do some work now…

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Article=/Geek/sub_route_{boner [if awexome]}

Geek wetware across the globe exploded in ecstasy all over their servers and biometric readers, today.

Just a taste:
In each cluster's first year, it's typical that 1,000 individual machine failures will occur; thousands of hard drive failures will occur; one power distribution unit will fail, bringing down 500 to 1,000 machines for about 6 hours; 20 racks will fail, each time causing 40 to 80 machines to vanish from the network; 5 racks will "go wonky," with half their network packets missing in action; and the cluster will have to be rewired once, affecting 5 percent of the machines at any given moment over a 2-day span, Dean said. And there's about a 50 percent chance that the cluster will overheat, taking down most of the servers in less than 5 minutes and taking 1 to 2 days to recover.

God, that's hawt.

If you think you can handle more, follow the white rabbit.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Seven Deadly Sins

Thanks to Dooce, I've found something that I estimate to be the epitome of cool. A collection of wine glasses that represent the seven deadly sins.

You know, my birthday is just around the corner. Next February. Just so you know.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Even with the economy falling and gas prices rising, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Honda, today, rolled out a new zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell car off its Japanese production line.

Even though I don't own a Honda, I am a big supporter of their green initiatives and their vision for the future. If the spec sheets I've seen are to be believed, the new FCX Clarity will offer two times more energy efficiency than a gas-electric hybrid and three times that of a standard gasoline-powered car. Now, even though they are only releasing a handful (maybe a couple hundred) over the next three years, I have confidence that there will be enough buzz to increase hydrogen station infrastructure, which, in turn, will make the Clarity more user-friendly.

Just in time for me to be in the market for a new car. How fortuitous for me.

I believe there is hope for us yet.

Finally...Hellbound Snowballs

A heart-felt congrats to Rob for his perseverance and patience. The fruit of which can be found here, at Target and here at

Now go out and buy many copies. At least one for each hand. And one for every friend, family member and house pet.

That is all.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

R.I.P. Teh Intertubes?

Hoax or no? You decide.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Weyah gonah need ah biggah bote...

This just in from the "Life Imitating Art" department: Fishermen Report Great White Shark Off Martha's Vineyard.

The fact that the original Jaws movie was actually filmed in Martha's Vineyard back in '74 should not be overlooked.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Rainy Thursday

I'm sure it's just me, but some days I feel like teh interwebs just aren't as funny or interesting as they used to be. I mean back in the day there were things like Bob from Accounting and Shizzy's Mailbag. Hell, even brought the funny now and then...cough...plug...

Now they've all fallen by the wayside.

I mourn them all, though when I think about WednesdayClub's demise there is bit of a pinch. A small painful reminder that my inaction contributed to its demise. You live and you learn, right?

Dunno if it's just the day, but I really can't find anything humorous to occupy my time. Please help.

In the meantime, I will search through the WayBack Machine for some comfort from the past.

On an unrelated matter, my mom has now had a couple of doses of her chemotherapy and so far there have been no side effects. I'm going to take that as a positive sign. For now.

Mazel tof for a great man

I'm a bad person. With everything going on right now I totally forgot to mention that Geoff Trenchard got himself hitched. Back in May. Congrats, Geoff!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Soundtrack for the Day

Lots to do today. Need good music.

Got it.

Gimme Shelter--Rolling Stones
Painkillers--Big Quarters
All the Same--Sick Puppies
Drowning--Fade 2 Shade
Nice Boys--GnR
Back 2 Skool--Prodigy

Got any other suggestions?

...And Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Foreclosure

Apparently even Ed isn't immune to the recent housing down-turn. Poor guy.

But then again, that's a risk when your whole career revolves around a single catchphrase.

I predict a bunch of commercials with Ed McMahon as the spokesperson in the very near future. But hey, if you gotta be a whore, be a whore with a nice house.

Neither Feast Nor Famine...more of a light supper, really

My mom's oncologist appointment was yesterday. We went, we sat, we waited, we learned that her cancer, while incurable, is treatable for now. It's also stayed put and hasn't spread any further. So far.

While it's not the best news, it's about as good as anyone could expect in this situation.

We discussed various options, including phase 1 or 2 first line clinical trials, but in the end she opted for a milder form of treatment. By the end of the week she will have begun her first round of chemotherapy. The bright spot is that, for now, she will not require a pump or portal, because rather than having traditional IV chemo, she will be taking Capecitabine, otherwise known as Xeloda. It's an oral form of chemo, that has milder side-effects.

There's no way of knowing how long it will work, or if it will work at all, but for now it's a forward step.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Something to Spur Me On

I really need something to get me through the day today. This ought to do it. Enjoy.

I love this one. It'll get me through.

Or there is this one, too.

Feast or Famine

Today's the big day. This afternoon I am taking my mother over to the Humphrey Cancer Center to get the results of her PET scan and blood tests and to meet with her Oncologist to go over her options for treatment.

Today is one of those days where things will go very well or very poorly, hence the title above. We'll find out if the cancer has spread further, if there are any treatment options and whether my mom has years or months. Either way, the six hours between now and then are going to be stressful for everyone here.

Monday, June 02, 2008


Really wishing I were here today...

or here...

Odd Stuff on Teh Interwebs

I love stumbling upon something strange, yet wholly entertaining, on the internets. It's, as "they" say, "Teh R0xz0rz!!1!11!"

How about some exceptionally odd/surreal LP Cover Art? Make sure to pay special attention to "XOXOX is Barok", The Singin', Swingin' Pastors "Shaking up Las Vegas", the ever-so-creepy "Happy Holi-dee", Something for GW "Circus Polka",


Remember that episode of Star Trek TNG where the crew becomes addicted to a video game? I'm sure that Big Willie remembers, since it was the episode where he got to make out with Ashley Judd.

Anyhow, I'm feeling like I can relate right now (to the addiction, not the making out part), thanks to RONG.