Thursday, June 19, 2008

26 things...

  1. Some days I hate my job
  2. Other days I hate myself
  3. I believe that jealousy is illogical and a waste of energy
  4. I love vocal trance music
  5. I hate whiny, skinny-tie indie music played by a bunch of privileged white kids
  6. Henry Rollins was kind enough to give me an interview, many years ago
  7. Since then I’ve lost my taste for him and his over-the-top political tirades
  8. I love a good story
  9. I love a good story-teller even more
  10. I have a long lasting love/hate relationship with Wil Wheaton
  11. I sat next to George “The Animal” Steele on a flight from Minneapolis to Boston
  12. He was reading War and Peace
  13. I feel very adrift lately
  14. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up
  15. I believe that no ever does anything that won’t benefit them self somehow
  16. I dare you to prove me wrong
  17. I don’t trust people
  18. My negotiating skills are top notch
  19. I enjoy a good horror story for the building suspense
  20. I have an inexplicable attraction to Twitter
  21. I think it’s because Twitter is like a digital whisper from across a dark room
  22. The above statement and all its parts are held in a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States license
  23. Sometimes I think very highly of the blather that comes out of my head
  24. I believe that everything is negotiable; even love and happiness
  25. I think Battle Pong and RONG are the two best time-wasters on teh intertubes
  26. I have to go do some work now…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Yours Truly; I was reading the Carson Daily and saw your note about the inexpensive uptown one bedroom. I am interested in more information, yeah, because im living at home with the parents. I just graduated. I don't want to live in Blaine anymore. Write me, please: