So, in an effort to avoid being a scary clown wandering about, I'll make your acquaintance with a "50 things about me" list and go from there. I know, I know--it's so over done, but really would you rather we explore the scary clown scenario together?
No? I thought not. So here we go.
1. While my real name is obviously not "Yours Truly," it is how I sign all letters.
2. In this age of e-mail and cell phones, I still write letters.
3. I am an American, but my family comes from NSW Australia.
4. I have loved two women in my life-unless you consider coffee to be a woman.
5. In which case, I've loved three.
6. I am addicted to Law & Order.
7. I have a fear of speaking in front of people, but I love to be the center of attention.
8. I was once a performance poet.
9. Hence I
10. Hence I drink a lot of coffee.
11. I've seen sunrises on two continents.
12. I've seen sunsets on three.
13. I was once the center of a small misunderstanding in a foreign country.
14. Others, in the foreign services profession, referred to it as a minor international incident.
15. I currently live in the Midwest.
16. My favorite number is 7.
17. I have two tattoos.
18. I want more.
19. I am 31
20. In 31 years I have known Kings, Queens, Prime Ministers, Fashion Models, and the closest thing America has to royalty.
21. in 31 years I have also known drug dealers, strippers, vagrants and various people of leisure.
22. I was much more impressed with the latter than the former.
23. I live in a house.
24. I am married (see #4).
25. I believe there are bad people in the world.
26. But I have hope in humanity and faith in people.
27. I have no idea why.
28. I am very close to my family.
29. I love the act of writing.
30. My best friend died in 1992.
31. To this day I still can't bring myself to visit his grave site.
32. I have a Masters Degree.
33. I love candles.
34. I love to watch car wrecks…like Flava Flav, Danny Bonaducci and George Bush. Fucking clown shoes.
35. I am a very moderate democrat.
36. If I were a woman, I'd totally do Jamie DeWolf (Kennedy).
37. Ok, ok…I'd do him now. So what??
38. People like Shane Koyczan, Dessa Darling, Mike McGee, Wil Wheaton, Geoff Trenchard and Carrie Spellman are my heroes.
39. I believe heroes are a hard thing to come by these days.
40. I panhandled while I was an undergrad.
41. I miss Justin Miller.
42. I miss being a kid and laughing at everything.
43. I find intellectual property to be an interesting subject.
44. I believe ghosts are real.
45. I don't care for seafood.
46. I'm constantly amazed by the genius of Li'l John and his making of career out of three words.
47. POS ruined my life.
48. Not really. He's actually a very nice person to talk to.
49. I think Dessa is the best thing to happen to hip-hop in years.
50. I am going to be a dad by Christmas and the thought scares me to death
I heart "X#-Things About Me" lists.
Now if we could get Rj to do one...
I agree, though I'd be kind of scared to see what that list might include. Should we launch a grassroots web-campaign to get RJ to start one?
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