Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ghost Hunters

The new episode of Ghost Hunters can be summed up in two words: Wicked. Awesome.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1985: The Revenge

The 1980's are back with a vengeance, thanks to the American Apparel store that is currently vomiting neon colored stretch pants all over Lake Street.

And before you even ask-no, I am totally sober as I type this on my BB.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

RIP: Personal Accountability

It appears that personal accountability in Charleston, WV has passed away. Let's have a moment of silence and think back on it with fond memories.


Ok, for those of you who either don't get it or were too lazy to read the article, here's the elevator version of the story:

  1. 15-year-old girl gets drunk AT school by engaging in a "vodka chugging contest" with other students.
  2. Said chugging contest occurred in a classroom where no teacher was present.
  3. Said 15-year-old girl gets caught (still during the school day)
  4. Mother of said 15-year-old girl determines that based on points 1, 2 and 3 the all fault lies entirely with the school and it's principal, not on herself--the PARENT.
God, how I love the way some folks will do, say and believe anything so long as it removes any fault from their own backyard.

"Oh no, not MY child."

"My pure little snowflake would never drug, overpower and anally rape an under-age girl!"

"My little princess would never willingly have sex with the boy next door!"

"My child would NEVER drink or do drugs if it were illegal or against parental rules! The fault must lie with society!"

Yes! Society!

Blame the masses, blame television and the media-whore-hopping-mongers! Blame politicians and teachers and priests and anyone else you can think of! Essentially, blame everyone who is not you, because god forbid you admit that maybe letting strangers and T.V. babysit/raise your child for you for the last 15 years was bad idea on your part.

Ms. Angel Cincinnati (which, by the way, sounds like a bad stripper name), you are to parenting what clown shoes are to footwear.

QC Hotness and teh Hobocore (Or Linky-McLinkerson and the Hot Links)

Normally I'm not a big fan of web comics. I often find them too quirky, or too indie for my own tastes. Also it doesn't help that most of them, in my opinion, are the Tatooine or Dagobah of the Fun Universe. There are, however, a few stand-outs that have become part of my OCD-driven morning ritual. There's Lil Spencer, and Toby . Hell, even Barkeater Lake is is alright now that Pandolph finally got back to updating (though it appears he's dropped the whole Toby crossover).

The best of the all, however, is none other than J. Jacques very own Questionable Content. It's teh awexome fer reelz. But seriously, it's good humor, a lot of indie (the good kind) pop culture references and above all it brings the funny in every aspect, even in the wardrobe and and set design. Even when the story is slow, I love reading the com just to see the characters wearing shirts like this. Ok, maybe it's not the best example, but I'm tired and don't have time to weed through the archives right now. However, I do love the shirt worn in today's comic (i.e. Tits or GTFO) by the lady librarian. And if that don't beat all, you can actually buy some of the stuff for real. I'm considering a TEH shirt, or maybe the Hobocore model. Dunno yet.

Wow, this turned out to be a lot more linky than I had intended.

Oh well, gotta run.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Northern Minnesota: Believe It or Not

Now if I understood the story correctly, my good friend Hauana caught this fish with little more than a piece of string and her own rippling muscles. If it were anyone else making that claim, I would call bullshit in half-a-heartbeat. However, I have been witness to Hauana's exploits in the past which make this story a little easier to believe. Since we first met back in 1997 (I think) I've seen her:
  • Threaten a boy she didn't care for with mass physical violence.
  • Drive said boy to tears with what amounted to 3 sentences.
  • Gleefully break the hearts of both men and women like they were out-of-date Christmas ornaments.
  • Manhandle a full grown Doberman Pinscher (not mine) because it was "getting saucy" with her.
These are just a sampling of course. I think the most telling of all, though, would be the fact that she was the daughter of a small-town sheriff. Meaning she had to be tougher than the other kids just to withstand their misguided abuse that should have been aimed at her dad.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Some guy representing Mirimax films just called and offered me some tix to a preview screening of Reprise. It looks pretty cool and I think I may go, if I can get away from the missus and the foetus.

Wide-Eyed Nightmares and the Spring that Never Came

This morning, round about 5 a.m., I awoke from a dream where it was late April and spring had fully sprung. This morning I awoke to below freezing temps and a high of 46 degrees.

Strangely enough I kept thinking about that quote from Last of the Mohicans where Hawkeye says, "You be strong, you survive... You stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far, I will find you."

Is that being overly dramatic, or is that how I'm going to have to relate to spring this year?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Suburban Sunday

As I sit here, looking out the window at my withered strip of a lawn and watch the sprinklers spinning, one small thought keeps running through my mind.

God, I miss living in the city.

That's "Captain" F*@kin' Asshole to You!

Tripping the Rift is awesome! It's also available for instant viewing on Netflix.

Now if I could just find a good source for some IT Crowd.

Drug Czar

Geoff Trenchard is one of the best spoken word artists out there. Learn it.


Oh look-I can even post from my BB.

Friday, April 25, 2008

A New Beginning

The beginning of all things is important. The journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step and if that first step isn't taken with style and purpose then you are doing little more than wandering. Like a buffoon. Or a clown. And Clown's are a scary lot to be sure.

So, in an effort to avoid being a scary clown wandering about, I'll make your acquaintance with a "50 things about me" list and go from there. I know, I know--it's so over done, but really would you rather we explore the scary clown scenario together?

No? I thought not. So here we go.

1. While my real name is obviously not "Yours Truly," it is how I sign all letters.
2. In this age of e-mail and cell phones, I still write letters.
3. I am an American, but my family comes from NSW Australia.
4. I have loved two women in my life-unless you consider coffee to be a woman.
5. In which case, I've loved three.
6. I am addicted to Law & Order.
7. I have a fear of speaking in front of people, but I love to be the center of attention.
8. I was once a performance poet.
9. Hence I smoke used to smoke a lot of cigarettes.
10. Hence I drink a lot of coffee.
11. I've seen sunrises on two continents.
12. I've seen sunsets on three.
13. I was once the center of a small misunderstanding in a foreign country.
14. Others, in the foreign services profession, referred to it as a minor international incident.
15. I currently live in the Midwest.
16. My favorite number is 7.
17. I have two tattoos.
18. I want more.
19. I am 31
20. In 31 years I have known Kings, Queens, Prime Ministers, Fashion Models, and the closest thing America has to royalty.
21. in 31 years I have also known drug dealers, strippers, vagrants and various people of leisure.
22. I was much more impressed with the latter than the former.
23. I live in a house.
24. I am married (see #4).
25. I believe there are bad people in the world.
26. But I have hope in humanity and faith in people.
27. I have no idea why.
28. I am very close to my family.
29. I love the act of writing.
30. My best friend died in 1992.
31. To this day I still can't bring myself to visit his grave site.
32. I have a Masters Degree.
33. I love candles.
34. I love to watch car wrecks…like Flava Flav, Danny Bonaducci and George Bush. Fucking clown shoes.
35. I am a very moderate democrat.
36. If I were a woman, I'd totally do Jamie DeWolf (Kennedy).
37. Ok, ok…I'd do him now. So what??
38. People like Shane Koyczan, Dessa Darling, Mike McGee, Wil Wheaton, Geoff Trenchard and Carrie Spellman are my heroes.
39. I believe heroes are a hard thing to come by these days.
40. I panhandled while I was an undergrad.
41. I miss Justin Miller.
42. I miss being a kid and laughing at everything.
43. I find intellectual property to be an interesting subject.
44. I believe ghosts are real.
45. I don't care for seafood.
46. I'm constantly amazed by the genius of Li'l John and his making of career out of three words.
47. POS ruined my life.
48. Not really. He's actually a very nice person to talk to.
49. I think Dessa is the best thing to happen to hip-hop in years.
50. I am going to be a dad by Christmas and the thought scares me to death